Chef's Pick Care Tips
Lovage Growing Tips
Site: The plants need a humus rich soil and should be watered often during dry weather. Growing: Thin or transplant to 2 feet apart. Tie straw around stems 2 to 3 weeks before harvesting for blanched tender vegetable. Lovage looks like a giant celery plant. Usually it is 3 to 5 feet but it can sometimes reach 7 feet in height and will last for 3 to 4 years if well cared for. It grows well in climates where it can receive a period of dormancy in winter. Water deeply to encourage deep root development, and take special care that young plants are never allowed to dry out. Harvesting: Pick young leaves as needed, but retain young central leaves (center of growth). Gather young stems in spring. Dig second and third season roots before flowers open each year. Gather seed when ripe. Culinary Uses: Lovage leaves add a strong savory flavor to dishes, so use cautiously at first. The taste is like celery with a touch of pepper. Add fresh or dried leaves to stocks, stews and cheese. Add fresh leaves to salads. Rub leaf on chicken or around a wooden salad bowl. The seeds may be added to liqueurs and cordials or used crushed in breads. Would you like a tasty herb recipe? Click here. Return to Care Tips page. |